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awesome game if you had more time i think making it longer would be better

(1 edit)

Fun Game, would like to play a longer version.

Short but fun game. It is a really cool idea and I liked the simplicity of the visuals. I would improve upon it by giving it a more distinct story, some more game juice and audio effects and make it a bit longer / add levels. Also here is a tip, when making a pixel art game try to match the pixel size between assets so it is more pleasing to the eyes. Overall this is an excellent first game. Good work!

Short, simple... actually made me chuckle a few times.  Really wish there was audio and I would like to see a longer play.  Great job for a first game.

Simple, but effective. I'd love to see you expand on this, as it's a really good start.

I REALLY LIKED THE GAME GOOD JOB! More levels would be cool


Thank You. I didn't have time for more levels. I made this game for 3 days.

OH then its understandable

Short and sweet, I like the concept. and the animation at the beginning of the little man going through the door is a great way to explain the game :)

Please give me your opinions. This is my first game.